This sermon by Francis Chan is based on Philippians 3 & 4: "But I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us....There are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. "There's very little I can add to the message of this sermon, it wraps up all of the thoughts I could really say on the matter. But recently, I've been contemplating 2 verses, one where Paul talks about running the race to win the prize, and disciplining his body like an athlete. The other is "never grow weary of doing good". Both are about constantly working and striving to bring others to Christ, to discipline ourselves like athletes to be able to preach the gospel well and save the lost. I've had several moments of indecisiveness about situations where I could be selfish and do what I want, or do what would be best for someone else. "Never tire of doing good" goes through my mind, and my decision is made.
But this sermon on living for eternity and in light of heaven as our home just further revealed how far I have to go and how much I love this world and don't long for heaven the way I ought. I seek comfort and pleasure and living for myself at the same time I strive to serve Christ. And though I would not call myself an enemy of the cross (meaning Christians who claim Christ but live in a way that is only for themselves and this world), I realized that I honestly do have times that I act in a way that says I'm an enemy of the cross. When I choose to ignore someone in need; when I pass by my non-Christians neighbors and avoid a conversation to attend to "more important" things; when I spend my money on more clothes I don't need or nice things for myself when someone else could use it more; when I make my life about comfort and family and friend relationships and living a good life, serving when it's convenient. Those are times that I choose myself over Christ...when I live for this world and what we have here and forget that my citizenship is in heaven. I make choices day in and day out that show I value me and my life more than others. And sometimes, I am in tune enough with the Holy Spirit that I make the right choices. That others who don't know him or who need a helping hand in their faith become my priority. That I care more about their well being than my own. That's when I'm living in a way that shows I follow Jesus.
As Francis Chan says in this sermon, those are the ways we suffer here. We may not be persecuted for our faith, but when we have to give up comfort or our desires or our plans for the salvation of others and the following of Jesus, those are the ways in which we suffer. And what is that compared to eternity? You can barely call that suffering.
What is most frustrating to me is that when I think about wanting to live this way, and wanting to be around Christians who live this way, is that I realize it is often the family of Christ who encourages a love for the world. Who encourages those subtle choices that elevate ourselves above the purposes of Christ. An insecure girl who wants to get breast implants and friends or family say, "sure, if it'll make you feel better about yourself, go for it!" instead of reassuring her of who Christ created her to be and how unimportant our physical bodies are in light of Christ. That these bodies are temporary and imperfect and not where we find our worth (and yes, I'm still trying to learn this). Or when someone wants to skip out on a friend or ministry opportunity with someone who doesn't know Christ so they can do something with their friends, or get extra sleep, and we say, "yeah, you deserve some rest and fun". And yes, at times this is needed, but in general, why don't we remind them who and what they are living for and what truly matters, and that giving up one evening of fun could mean a changed life?
Or when someone wants to go live in a dangerous area to preach the gospel and make Christ known and parents or family say, "no, don't go, that's dangerous. You could die, or be hurt." Instead of saying "yes, go, God will take care of you. And if he doesn't, you're living for eternity and not this world" Or personally, when I choose to go to the beach or take a weekend vacation to simply enjoy the pleasures this beautiful world offers, when I ignored the thought of going to spend the day with a friend in Hollywood who lives on the streets and doesn't know God's love. When I get to heaven, will I be happy I made the choices I made?
Chan repeats Paul and then continues "'their God is their belly'. I'm gonna eat that and buy that...God's not your God. You don't buy the things that God wants you to say the things you want to say, cuz you're your own God. So if you desire that you're gonna get it and you'll find a way to justify it biblically. But you know you're not praying before those decisions: "should I do this? Should I pursue her? Should I watch that movie?" cuz no, you just do what you want...the cross was all about denial... not really want I'm hungering for right now...
'They glory in their shame'. They show off things they should be ashamed of. We're so proud of some possession we have, he says "you should be ashamed of this". They just want to glory in these things, "oh, look at this surgery I had done, look at how i look now." you're proud of that? you should be ashamed of that. You're glorying in things you should be ashamed of, their things of the earth. you're proud of it?...your mind is set on earthly things." ouch.
As Paul says, "not that I have already attained this". I am just starting to think about this and have already made selfish choices today since hearing this. I've already put myself and this world ahead of my First Love and my real home. I'm not sure exactly what it looks like for me to change and live correctly, but I think it starts with moment to moment decisions that put eternity above my life here and now and "training" myself in that way, so that I can run the race to win the prize.